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更新时间:2018-06-02 09:40:17 信息编号:8943650 浏览:1次
  • 供应商

    上海秉奇阀门有限公司 商铺

  • 认证 营业执照已认证
  • 报价面议
  • 最小起订大量
  • 发货期限自付款之日起60日内发货
  • 供应能力88888台台/每月
  • 样品不提供
  • 所在地上海 上海 徐汇区 龙漕路51弄
  • 联系电话021-51698378
  • 手机号135 2426 9805
  • 联系人黄天翔
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英国GRIMM格林进口三柱塞高压往复泵 UK GRIMM Imported three plunger high pressure reciprocating pump





机   身---全对称箱式钢性铸件,机身下部设计成油池。
曲   轴---碳素钢锻件。
连   杆---锌铝合金精铸件。
材       料---针对输送介质选定。可为:碳钢、马氏体不锈钢、奥氏体不锈钢、超碳不锈钢等。




泵  转  速:60-500r/min
泵  行  程:20-150mm
泵  推  力:350-12000kg



UK GRIMM Imported three plunger high pressure reciprocating pump summary:

           Imported three plunger high pressure reciprocating pump is a super high pressure piston pump produced by Green advanced technology in England. The pressure is as high as 200MPa. Moderate 0.71L/min-1791L/min flow required for high pressure water jet, suitable for ultra high pressure water jet cleaning, metal cutting, ship cleaning derusting and factory, sugar factory, power plant condenser, evaporator, heat exchangers, boilers and various cleaning tanks. It can pump clean water, emulsion, and other liquid with chemical property.

UK GRIMM Imported three plunger high pressure reciprocating pump structure principle: 

           Imported three plunger high pressure reciprocating pump is horizontal three plunger single acting pump. The structure of the pump is symmetrically arranged. The liquid inlet and outlet connecting pipe can be measured and selected at the liquid adding end two, and the whole set of equipment is installed on the same public underframe.

Power end:

Fuselage --- full symmetrical box type steel casting, the lower part of the fuselage is designed as an oil tank.

Crankshaft -- high quality carbon steel forgings.

Connecting rod --- zinc aluminum alloy castings.

Crosshead --- steel cylinder, simple and durable.

Hydraulic end:

Material --- selected for conveying medium. Can be: carbon steel, martensitic stainless steel, austenitic stainless steel, ultra low carbon stainless steel, etc..

Sealing structure --- according to the transmission medium, the working pressure is selected. The sealing material can be formed rubber ring, carbon fiber, hemp fiber, aramid fiber and so on.

Inlet and outlet valves are selected according to medium pressure and flow rate. Flat plate valve, ball valve, cone valve, etc..

Lubrication method and oil brand number:

Grease lubrication --- the method of lubrication is simple and reliable.

Oil number ---N220# extreme pressure gear oil.

UK GRIMM Imported three plunger high pressure reciprocating pump performance characteristics: 

Suitable for: pump pump, high pressure cleaning pump, metering pump, flow pump, dosing pump, hydraulic pump, oil pump and other professional test valves; high pressure and ultra high pressure cleaning pump, petroleum, chemical, chemical process pump copper liquid pump, oil, salt water injection pump, liquid carbon dioxide, sodium five the slurry pump, pump, pump rust removal of steel.

Assembly type: horizontal, stationary and mobile.

Driving type: motor, diesel engine, gear box, belt pulley, electromagnetic speed regulation, frequency conversion speed regulation.

Every type of pump is equipped with a safety pressure regulating valve, and the pressure of the pump can be adjusted at will.

When you type, if the flow is not appropriate, you can use electromagnetic speed regulation, variable frequency speed control, change the diameter of the plunger to adjust the flow rate, to meet the needs of type selection.

Pump material: alloy steel, martensite, austenitic stainless steel, 316 and 316L dual phase steel.

UK GRIMM Imported three plunger high pressure reciprocating pump technical parameter:

Flow range: 0.5-1791L/min

Working pressure: 2-200MPa

Pump speed: 60-500r/min

Motor power: 0.5-350kw

Pump stroke: 20-150mm

Pump thrust: 350-12000kg

Plunger diameter: 10-130mm

UK GRIMM Imported three plunger high pressure reciprocating pump purpose:

           Suitable for pipeline cleaning, workpiece cleaning, surface cleaning, cleaning, derusting, liquids, liquid transmission, engineering excavation, and all kinds of rubber hose, metal pipe, drilling wellhead equipment, oil pressure test pump can pump water, emulsion, also can pump with other chemical properties of liquids.

产品关键词: 往复泵
产品所属分类: 机械及行业设备/ 泵/ 往复泵
上海秉奇阀门有限公司是一家集科研、产品开发、制造.销售、售后服务于一体的高新技术企业,位于享誉国际盛名城市--上海,具有实力的国内合资企业。本公司具有强大的设计、生产.销售和服务队伍。生产历史悠久、质量体系完善,测试手段齐全,生产工艺先进,确保产品质量有保障免客户后顾之忧。产品采用国外先进技术设备,严格按照标准和行业标准,以及API、DIN、JIS、ISO等国际标准生产制造各种阀门。 本公司专业生产:球阀、蝶阀、闸阀、截止阀、止回阀、针型阀、过滤器、电磁阀、刀型闸阀、呼吸阀、阻火器、柱塞阀、排污阀、排泥阀、疏水阀、放料阀、排气阀、衬氟阀门、旋塞阀、调节阀、减压阀、安全阀、水力控制阀、平衡阀、液压阀、卫生级阀门、液化气专用阀、视镜等等。材料有:铸铁、碳钢、不锈钢、合金钢和特种材料等,其中铸件有:CF8、CF3、CF3M、WC5、WC6、WC9、WCB、LCB、LC3等,锻件有:A105、F11、F22、F304、F316、F304L、F316L等。压力等级:150-2500LB、PN1.0-42MPa,温度:-196~600 ℃,口径1/4〝-68〝、2㎜-1800㎜,驱动方式:手动、齿轮传动、电动、气动、液动、蜗轮传动。采用标准:API、ANSI、BS、JIS、DIN、NF、JB、HG、SH、GB等标准。本公司为了更满足用户的需求,设有销售二部,代理销售进口阀门有:美国进口阀门、日本进口阀门、英国进口阀门、德国进口阀门等品牌产品。 上海秉奇阀门有限公司自创办以来,对产品进行不断优化锐意创新,努力开发以国代进,打造“秉奇””的方针。大胆引进人才,狠抓管理和质量,成功采用了先进的计算机管理和CAD设计,建立起一套完整的质量保证体系,雄厚的技术品,愿与各界新老朋友携手共进,竭诚合作,回报广大用户对我们支持与厚爱。力量、精良的生产设备、先进的检测手段、精湛的生产工艺,结合多年的生产经验以及规范科学的管理,使我厂的每一个产品质量都得以保障,从而得到了众多客户的认可,阀门产品受到广大用户的好评,低廉的价格,周到品牌。本公司产品规模齐全品种繁多,生产能力强,营销手段活;主要产品不断远销东南亚地区和国内各地,深受 化工、石油、石油化工、环保、给排水、冶金、电力、造纸、制药、印染、海水淡化、食品酿酒、暖通等行业用户的一致好评。秉着:“品质优异、客户满意”的经营理念,为你提供优良的产品和完善的服务。是您的诚挚的朋友。多年来,本公司奉行“质量,用户上”的宗旨,坚持“依靠科技求发展,依靠质量求生存,改善管理求效益,争创促销售的售后服务,拓宽了我厂的销售渠道,产品销售除覆盖全省各地。 热情欢迎各行各业新老用户来函、来电,光临我厂洽谈业务。我们将以强劲的发展之势,高品质的产品,愿与各界新老朋友携手共进,竭诚合作,回报广大用户对我们支持与厚爱。
联系人 : 黄天翔
手 机 : 135 2426 9805
电 话 : 021-51698378
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Email : bqvalves@126.com
Q Q : 673088832
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