
更新时间:2017-10-02 00:07 信息编号:34979706
山东沂水威凯机械厂企业简介:山东沂水县威凯机械厂是链条产品的专业制造企业。 公司一直秉承“以质取胜、顾客上、严守信誉、共谋发展”为企业有恒的宗旨,汇集科技精英,发展科技优势,公司产品采用ISO国际标准,JIS日本标准和GB标准的工艺和质量组织生产,采用机械化自动装配,先进的热处理工艺和表面强化技术制造。“威凯”牌摩托车链条、工业链条、农机链条赢得了市场的认可,各项指标均居于行业前沿。 Yishuixian,Shandong Wei Kai Machine Company is a professional manufacture company of chain products. The company’s eternal principle is “winning through high quality,clients paramount,keep good faith strictly,conspiring development”.The products of the company are produced by adopting ISO internationgal standard,JIS Japan standard and GB state standard of technology and quality, and also produced by using automatic assembling of mechanization, advanced heat treatment technology and the surface-strengthen technology.Motor chains,industry chains and agricultural machines chain of “Kai Wei” brand have been accepted by the market,eachindication is on the top of this industry.
联系人:王会为 电话:0539-2508688 传真:0539-2508788 注册资金: 无需验资 万 人民币 商铺: 34979706.czvv.com 地址:山东 临沂 沂水县许家湖镇

山东沂水威凯机械厂 主要经营:摩托车传动系统零件, 摩托车配附件, 传动链



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