
更新时间:2014-10-15 00:01 信息编号:15946134
众旺机械公司企业简介:   河北众旺机械厂地处阜城县境内,北连京津,南靠山东,交通便利,环境优越    我厂专业生产液压机械设备,建厂多年来生产的全自动、半自动、手动液压打包机深受客户好评,并出口20几个和地区      我厂技术力量雄厚,有先进的检测手段,严格的质量监控,技术过硬的专业队伍,为您提供诚完善的售后服务,素以质量好,价位低,交货及时,服务周到深受新老客户青睐    公司遵从“锐意创新,追求”之宗旨,立足本土,放眼世界,不断开发出功能更齐全,技术含量更高的先进液压设备,使产品向国际化、多元化、信息化的长远战略目标迈进     本厂愿竭诚与广大客户合作,携手奋进,共创辉煌 Hebei Machinery Factory is located in the public Wang Fucheng County, north of Beijing and Tianjin, Shandong, south, convenient transportation and superior environment    Our factory specialized in production of hydraulic machinery and equipment, automatic production plant for many years, semi-automatic, manual hydraulic baler well received by customers, and exports more than 20 countries and regions      I plant strong technical force, advanced detection methods, strict quality control, skilled team of professionals to provide you with sincere after-sales service, reputation for good quality, low price, prompt delivery, good service by the old and new favored customers    Compliance by the company "committed to innovation and excellence" of purpose, based on the local, world, continue to develop more functional, higher-tech, advanced hydraulic equipment, the product to the international, diversified information-based long-term strategic goal     Our factory would like to sincerely cooperate with customers, join hands to create brilliant
联系人:杨永升 电话:0318-4822106/18631731738 传真:0318-4822108 商铺: 15946134.czvv.com 地址:中国 河北 衡水 阜城县 崔庙

众旺机械公司 主要经营:废纸打包机废铁打包机液压机械小型打包机



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