
更新时间:2014-10-01 09:41 信息编号:15628143
揭阳市榕城区晓锋钟表配件厂企业简介:曉鋒表業廠創立于1997年,是一家專業生産TPU,PVC,哇膠表帶,首飾帶及各種鍾表,首飾配件的工廠,在揭陽有大型生産車間和廠房. 廠內擁有設計,工模,五金沖壓,啤塑,硫化,噴油,包裝等部.由設計繪畫,模具制造,成品制造等連慣性完成客戶訂單,産品遠銷歐美,中東,東南亞及香港等國家和地區. 廠內擁有多年經驗豐富的專業技術人員,幫助客戶進行全方位的策劃,質量和效率得到不少客商的肯定,贏得了市場及海內外客商的好評.我們本著"質優,價平,交貨准時"的經營宗旨,歡迎海內外客商來人來電咨詢. Xiao Feng watch factory was founded in 1997, is a professional production of TPU, PVC, wow plastic strap, jewelry and all kinds of watches, jewelry essories factory, in Jieyang has a large-scale production workshop and workshop. The factory has a design, mold, metal stamping, plastic beer, vulcanization, fuel injection, packaging and other department. By drawing from design, mold manufacturing, product manufacturing even inertial completion of customer orders, products are exported to Europe, the Middle East, Southeast Asia and Hongkong and other countries and regions. The factory has many years experience in professional and technical personnel, to help customers all-round planning, quality and efficiency of many businessmen and certainly, the market and has won praise at home and abroad customers. We have the spirit of" quality, price, delivery on time" business purposes, e customers at home and abroad come to call to consult.
联系人:陈晓锋   电话:0663-8857550 传真:86 0663 8857550 商铺: 15628143.czvv.com 地址:中国 广东 揭阳 仙桥镇桂南工业区
  • 445202600129759
  • 存续
  • 个体户
  • 2012-04-12
  • 陈晓锋
  • 揭阳市工商行政管理局榕城分局
  • 揭阳市榕城区仙桥桂南下新厝
  • 钟表配件、紧固件加工、销售。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)〓


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