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更新时间:2023-03-02 16:59:35 信息编号:53226105 浏览:1次
咨询活动房 产品,请说在传众网看见,优惠多多



材质 彩钢板 种类 活动房
产地/品牌 湖南雅恒腾飞



  1. Wide range of uses: It can be quickly resettled in earthquakes, floods, and epidemic prevention. As a temporary housing, it is energy-saving, efficient and environmentally friendly, and has low economic costs.

  2. Flexible customization: The folding container house is modularized and can be customized with high production efficiency.

  3. Convenient transportation: the foldable container is 45cm after folding, which saves space to the greatest extent during transportation. 6M trolley can hold 6 sets of folding houses. 17.5M flat car can hold 20 sets.

  4. Fast installation: It only takes 3-5 minutes to install the folding container house, and it can be operated by 2-3 people, and no construction waste is generated during the installation process.

  5. Repeated use: The folding container house can be moved at any time. This project can continue to be used in the next project, and it can be folded 500 times.

  6. Fire prevention and earthquake resistance: the fire protection level of the folding container house is first class, the earthquake resistance effect is good, and it meets the emergency living standard.

  Hunan Yaheng Tengfei epidemic preven

  If you need to know more about folding container houses, you can contact Hunan Yaheng Tengfei.

产品关键词: 活动房 / 折叠集装箱房 /
产品所属分类: 家装、建材/ 装修设施及施工/ 活动房
湖南雅恒腾飞轻钢房屋有限公司成立于2015年,前身为成都雅恒腾飞活动板房有限公司湖南分公司(于2008年成立)。公司从事轻钢结构房屋制造有15年行业经验,于2015年在浏阳市镇头镇环保科技示范园投资建厂,总投资规模达5000万元,厂房面积13000平。公司主要是以轻钢结构房屋的设计、生产、销售及安装为一体的综合性企业。 雅恒腾飞在湖南、湖北、成都拥有3大生产基地,总厂房生产面积达到5万多平方。 雅恒腾飞拥有一支高素质的管理、技术团队,能及时快速的为客户提供高效的服务。公司秉承“安全、高效”的经营方针,坚持“以人为本、团结、创新”的企业精神。确保产品质量,提高客户满意度,不断创新,以质量来赢得市场和客户的信赖。 雅恒腾飞目前产品有:打包箱房、折叠箱房、普通固定箱房、T式、K式活动板房、门禁、岗亭、厕所、环保箱房等系列产品。凭借专注和不断创新,腾飞折叠箱-第三代打包箱房投产上市,并获得了快速发展,新工艺和新技术让雅恒腾飞取得了差异化竞争优势,同时获得了市场的认可。 雅恒腾飞匠心十年,心怀梦想,不断开拓创新,以优质的产品和服务打造成临建房屋建筑领域标准。
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