当前位置:» 现货鑫鲁316不锈钢型材#,不锈钢方钢、扁钢、六角钢、圆钢、角钢


更新时间:2016-02-22 17:15:39 信息编号:1039992 浏览:1次
  • 供应商

    天津鑫鲁钢铁贸易有限公司 商铺

  • 认证
  • 报价¥45.00元
  • 最小起订500件
  • 发货期限自付款之日起0日内发货
  • 供应能力件/每月
  • 样品不提供
  • 所在地天津市北辰区天津北辰工业园
  • 联系电话022-58010673
  • 手机号13752559488
  • 联系人付军
咨询 产品,请说在传众网看见,优惠多多



  • 规格:齐全(mm)
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  • 产地/厂家:宝钢
  • ,
  • 仓库:南开
  • ,
  • 材质:304
  • ,
  • 制作工艺:热轧
  • ,
  • 公司介绍;Tianjin Xin Lu steel trade Co., the company headquarters is located in the international economic, financial, shipping, trade center, Tianjin, Tianjin port, adjacent to Tianjin Steel Group, Tianjin seamless steel tube plant, convenient transportation, through nearly 20 years of development, has become a comprehensive enterprise specializing in steel logistics, processing and distribution services, import and export trade and stainless steel pipe, stainless steel plate, stainless steel, seamless pipe, alloy steel pipe, plate, copper, aluminum and other metal materials and processing. Users throughout the fields of chemical, electric power, building, machine processing, ship, public utilities, health, aviation, military and other national economy.The company is the National Foreign Trade Council, the General Administration of Customs endorsement of stainless steel pipe, stainless steel plate, stainless steel, seamless pipe, alloy steel pipe, plate, copper, aluminum and other metal materials, the right to import and export companies, products widely used in various fields of chemical industry, electric power, building, machine processing, ship, public utilities, health, aviation industrial, military and other national economy.The company has a solid economic foundation, strong relation network, complete technology and personnel allocation, with China's accession to the WTO, import and export trade growing, in order to further meet the traders, import and export business demand, our company for businesses to build a one-stop service from door to door. We have a perfect import and export service system in mainland China, has a number of shipping companies, airlines have established close cooperative relations, can be a series of services for your goods export countries provide the best shipping, customs clearance, cargo routes and buy insurance, at the same time, our company has a very sound configuration repository can meet the needs of your goods in transit in Tianjin Tianjin, you can check the goods, bulk cargo LCL, select the distribution method of appropriate, safe and efficient delivery of goods.We have a wide range of commodity information network, partners all over the world, have become the sole agent of many European and American traders in china. We in the "guide to create the best service" business philosophy, through the unremitting efforts of all staff, has achieved the results attract people's attention. My company has a proficient business operation ability, the backbone of the team. Available in a variety of logistics solutions for the guest at the same time, can also look for a source, for overseas clients to develop China market acceptance of goods, customs warehouse set to lift the import and export of all any menace from the "rear". Provide professional, personalized, all-weather, all-round service.Our aim is: "sincere service and for your trust and support, mutual reciprocity and mutual benefit

    天津鑫鲁不锈钢有限公司是一家集科研、开发、生产、销售于一体的中型企业。主要经营进口和国产不锈钢材料,是一家以301不锈钢棒,303不锈钢六角棒,316不锈钢六角棒,303不锈钢棒,310S不锈钢棒,不锈钢板材,不锈钢板,316不锈钢板,不锈钢管材,不锈钢线材,不锈钢带材生产销售的企业,产品广泛应用于石油化工、印染、造纸、制糖、饮料食品及热交换器、装潢装饰、医疗健身器械、家具、厨具等行业。是中国竞争力的钢铁企业之一。生产高技术含量、高附加值不锈钢精品,年产钢能力12000吨左右,赢利水平居中国地位,产品畅销国内外市场。目前已形成普碳钢、不锈钢、特钢三大产品系列,产品集聚在汽车(尤其是轿车)用钢、家电用钢、石油管线钢、钻杆、油井管、高压锅炉管、冷轧硅钢、不锈钢、高合金品种钢和高等级建筑用钢,产品实物质量堪与国际同类产品相比。 公司产品: 不锈钢棒,303不锈钢棒,310S不锈钢棒,316不锈钢圆棒,304不锈钢方棒,303不锈钢六角棒,不锈钢八角棒,不锈钢光亮棒,不锈钢黑皮棒,不锈钢易车棒,不锈钢研磨棒,不锈钢耐高温棒,不锈钢方钢,不锈钢扁钢,不锈钢六角钢,不锈钢圆钢) 规格:Ф1mm~Ф530mm材质SUS310S、316、316F、316L、321、304、304F、304L、303、301、202、314、314L、317、等;国产和进口材料(非标可根据客户要求订做) 不锈钢板,316不锈钢板,316L不锈钢拉丝板,310S不锈钢拉花板,303不锈钢雪花板,301不锈钢厚板,不锈钢薄板,不锈钢平板,不锈钢镜面板,不锈钢装饰板,不锈钢花纹板,美标不锈钢板,日本不锈钢板,宝钢不锈钢板,不锈钢卷板,不锈钢厚壁板,不锈钢光亮板,不锈钢2B板,不锈钢热轧板,不锈钢冷轧板,彩色不锈钢板,不锈钢紧密薄板,不锈钢蚀刻板,不锈钢进口板,不锈钢8K镜面板,不锈钢中硬板,不锈钢工业板,不锈钢直板。不锈钢化工板,不锈钢冲压板,不锈钢冲孔板,不锈钢镀钛板,不锈钢磨砂板,不锈钢抛光板,不锈钢方格板,不锈钢橱柜板,不锈钢磨砂板.板的表面有2B面,镜面,亮面,8K面,磨砂面。规格:厚度:0.1mm-100mm 宽度可切割 材质:SUS310S、310、316、316L、321、304、304L、301、202、201、317、314、314L、902、904等。国产和进口材料(非标可根据客户要求订做) 不锈钢管,316不锈钢管材,310S不锈钢无缝管、303不锈钢焊接管、301不锈钢有缝管、不锈钢卫生管、不锈钢精密管、不锈钢毛细管、不锈钢方管、不锈钢矩形管、不锈钢工业管、不锈钢镜面管) 规格:Ф3.0mm~570.0mm 材质:SUS310S、316、316L、321、304、304L、301、202、201、314、317、314L、316S、(不锈钢无缝管,有缝管,工业管,液体输送管,毛细管,表面有亮面、工业面、非标可根据客户要求订做) 不锈钢带(卷)材,316不锈钢钢带,310S不锈钢卷带,304优质不锈钢带,冷轧不锈钢带,热轧不锈钢带,弹性不锈钢带,压延不锈钢带,精密不锈钢带,超薄不锈钢带,超厚不锈钢带,特硬不锈钢带,弹簧片不锈钢带,不锈钢软钢带,不锈钢箔)规格:宽度 3.0mm~1219mm 厚度 0.03mm~4mm 材质:SUS316L、316、304L、304、301、202、201等(不锈钢卷材,卷带,卷板,带材,钢带,超薄带,窄带。表面有亮面、雾面、2B面、8K镜面,非标可根据客户要求订做) 不锈钢绳材质:SUS310S、316、316L、321、304、304L、301、202、201314、314L、305、317、316S(有不锈钢绳,包胶绳,非标可按客户要求订做) 不锈钢线,316不锈钢线材,316L不锈钢钢琴线、琴钢线、310S不锈钢弹簧线、304不锈钢中硬线、302不锈钢螺丝线、301不锈钢全软线、不锈钢光亮线、不锈钢软线、不锈钢车轴线、不锈钢电解线、不锈钢易车线等、无磁不锈钢线、不锈钢方线、不锈钢扁线、不锈钢雾面线、不锈钢草酸线、日本精线、韩国象唛KOS精线、碳钢线。不锈钢线:也可叫不锈钢丝,盘条,盘元,非标可根据客户要求订做。规格:Ф0.05mm~Ф10.0mm 材质:SUS310S、316、304、302HQ、304ES、304L、303、202、314、314L、305、317、316S等。
    联系人 : 付军
    手 机 : 13752559488
    电 话 : 022-58010673
    传 真 : 022-58782517
    Email : tjxlgt@qq.com
    Q Q : 1718807499
    地 址 : 天津市北辰区天津北辰工业园
    邮 编 : 300400
    传众商铺 : 12919162.czvv.com


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